UN chief appeals to world to help badly flood-hit Pakistan

UN leader appeals to world to assist poorly flood-hit Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (AP) — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appealed to the world to assist Pakistan following arriving inside the country Friday to see harm from the record floods that have killed hundreds with every one other accompanied by left-hand additional than fifty per cent of a million people homeless with every one other accompanied by living inside tents under the not shut sky.

His trip comes less than set of two weeks following Guterres appealed for $160 million inside crisis funding to assist those affected by the monsoon rains with every one other accompanied by floods that have caused at least $10 billion inside damages with every one other accompanied by 1,391 deaths.

"I have arrived inside Pakistan to convey my deep solidarity accompanied by the Pakistani people following the devastating floods here. I appeal for massive support from the international population while Pakistan responds to this climate catastrophe," he said on Twitter earlier to dawn.

Last week, the U.N. leader issued a stern warning concerning the effects of climate change.

"Let's place an extremity to sleepwalking in the direction of the demolition of our planet by climate change," he said inside a video message to a rite inside Islamabad at the time. "Today, it's Pakistan. Tomorrow, it could exist your country."

So far, U.N. agencies with every one other accompanied by some countries have sent dozens of planeloads of aid. The United States said it will provide $30 million inside assistance to assist flood victims.


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The floods have touched all of Pakistan with every one other accompanied by affected additional than 3.3 million people. Heritages sites have too been damaged, including Mohenjo Daro, considered one of the best-preserved of long ago urban settlements inside South Asia.

The ruins near the Indus River were discovered inside 1922 with every one other accompanied by to this day, puzzle surrounds the disappearance of the civilization that dates spine 4,500 years, coinciding accompanied by those of of long ago Egypt with every one other accompanied by Mesopotamia.

Mohenjo Daro is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with every one other accompanied by the U.N. inheritance agency on Thursday announced an crisis amount of $350,000 to assist recuperate flood-damaged ethnic inheritance sites.

Guterres was received on his coming by Deputy Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar with every one other accompanied by will meet accompanied by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif with every one other accompanied by other management with every one other accompanied by military officials on his visit.

Before the U.N. chief's arrival, Sharif told a visiting American diplomat that the world should step up its fight opposed to climate alter to retain away from additional deadly flooding. Derek Chollet, a older State Department official, was visiting Islamabad to assess damages with every one other accompanied by arrange for aid.

According to the government's statement, Chollet affirmed that the U.S. would stand by Pakistan inside the wake of the floods with every one other accompanied by expand assist to assist people rebuild.

On Friday, the earliest American planeload carrying assistance will come inside Pakistan, according to Pakistan officials, who speak Washington is setting up a humanitarian assistance air bridge to deliver much-needed for flood victims,

Since June, heavy rains with every one other accompanied by floods have added new burdens to cash-strapped Pakistan with every one other accompanied by highlighted the disproportionate effect of climate alter on impoverished populations. Experts speak Pakistan is in charge of for only 0.4% of the world's famous emissions blamed for climate change. The U.S. is in charge of for 21.5%, China for 16.5% with every one other accompanied by the EU 15%.

The floods inside Pakistan have too injured 12,722 people, destroyed thousands of kilometers of roads, toppled bridges with every one other accompanied by damaged schools with every one other accompanied by hospitals, according to the National Disaster Management Agency.

UN leader appeals to world to assist poorly flood-hit Pakistan

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