Cooked Eggnog

This is a rich and creamy eggnog that is an alternative to traditional eggnog, because the eggs are cooked. When served chilled and topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkling of nutmeg and cinnamon, it is a sure bet that it will be a hit at your next Christmas party.

Cooked Eggnog Ingredients

  • 12 eggs

  • cup white sugar

  • 2 quarts milk

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • teaspoon ground nutmeg

How to Make Cooked Eggnog

  1. Place the eggs and sugar into a pan, and whisk until light colored and frothy. Whisk in 2 cups of milk until thoroughly blended. Place the pan over medium heat, continuing to stir until the mixture thickens, and coats the back of a wooden spoon, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, and allow to stand 5 minutes.

  2. Stir in the remaining 6 cups of milk, vanilla extract, and nutmeg. Refrigerate at least 2 hours to cool thoroughly before serving.

Cooked Eggnog Nutritions

  • Calories: 187.5 calories

  • Carbohydrate: 16.5 g

  • Cholesterol: 199 mg

  • Fat: 8.2 g

  • Fiber:

  • Protein: 11.7 g

  • SaturatedFat: 3.6 g

  • ServingSize:

  • Sodium: 136.8 mg

  • Sugar: 16.4 g

  • TransFat:

  • UnsaturatedFat:

Cooked Eggnog Reviews

  • Easy to prepare, but I needed to doctor it quite a bit. I first prepared as directed, but it was very thin and lacked a real eggnog flavor. It was more like barely sweet milk. I then added 1 cup heavy cream, an additional 1/2 cup sugar, an additional tsp of nutmug, a sprinkle of allspice, and 2 tsp of rum flavoring. I remixed the entire batch then chilled. Then, it was a winner- my family loved it. Next time, Ill likely a mixture of cream, half-n-half, and milk to get the rich texture that is most like traditional eggnog. Thanks for the recipe, I had no idea eggnog was so simple to make. We cannot buy it where we live, so this was a real treat

  • I personally dont like the whipping cream kinds of egg nog. This egg nog is the best and easiest. You can make it thin or thick as you like just by using half and half instead of milk. Make a double batch unless you are making it for just one person

  • So yummy Couldnt get enough of it.And its safe for everyone (because of no raw eggs).

  • Excellent, best egg nog Ive ever had I made it diabetic friendly by using skim milk and Splenda sugar substitute instead of white sugar. Also, I reduced the amount of milk to 6 cups to make a thicker nog and cooked much longer, over low heat, to ensure that the eggs were fully cooked. It was a big hit

  • This is an easy recipe and tastes great I let it get a little to thick so I put it in the blender with excellent results. I am making it for the second time this Christmas.

  • I absolutely loved this recipe. I was happy to give it to my young brother and sister in-law and they just loved it I usually also end up thinning my Eggnog with regular milk so this was a nice recipe and not too thick. I made it the night before and by morning all the flavors had really come together. Thanks

  • I really enjoyed this recipe. Due to a dairy allergy, I used soy milk but was pleasantly suprised that it turned out so well. It does lack thickness, but without the heavy cream it saves on those calories also.

  • I love this recipe Like the others I added Half and Half made it just right not to thin not to thick. The flavor OMG the flavor I would tell everyone about this Recipe

  • Really easy to make and my kids loved it

  • Good set of ingredients, but better to scald the milk and pour slowly into egg/sugar mixture while stirring constantly and then heat on low until thickened than to heat the egg directly in the pot. Scrambled my eggs doing it as directed. Should have followed my custard cooking method.

  • Make this

  • Very good, i used 1 cup of splenda and 1 quart whole milk and 1 quart fat free cream, and i also strained it. very easy to make. yummy

  • Good if youre looking for a recipe for eggnog with cooked eggs. some said it was thin, but all said it was tasty.

  • Not as thick as I would have liked, but the flavor is fantastic

  • This is an excellent recipe. I NEVER drink eggnog because the thought of raw egg is so disgusting. This is terrific, I threw in a little cinnamon and perfect-o no more disgusting store bought for my family

  • Id give it 5 stars but some adjustments need to be made to get it just right. A blender will take care of any custard chunks. This is a light and refreshing nog, for sweeter and creamier eggnog like the junk from the supermarket add more sugar to taste and two cups less milk.

  • Very good and easy to make. My family wanted me to make more

  • Good flavor, but not very thick.

  • This was great to use as a guide. My kids like the "Hood" brand of sugar cookie eggnog. This is not as sweet so we did tweak it a bit. We used 1 cup white sugar and 1 cup brown sugar. The milk was subbed with half and half. We added 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract. Very rich and decadent but hey, its the holidays :) And... for an adult beverage you can add a healthy dose of rum to suit your taste. Soooo good

  • Really good I took the advice of others and doubled the nutmeg and added allspice. I also used half skim and half half and half (lots of halfs). This took quite a bit longer to cook up and thicken, but I have really heavy pans and a glass cooktop so it could have been that. Make sure to pour this thru a strainer after cooking to avoid pieces of cooked egg in your nog Thanks for the recipe.

  • Our new holiday favorite Yummy.

  • I was not too excited with this recipe...I love the thick creamy eggnog like you buy in the store. When I made this recipe according to directions it was barely thicker than milk without much flavor or sweetness. I tried to cook up a few more eggs with extra sugar and a little less milk to try to thicken it up and add some flavor, but it didnt work very well. Maybe because you have to have certain proportions of egg, milk, and sugar, but both times I cooked the egg mixture I had chunks of cooked egg even though I stirred it constantly over medium heat. If you dont care for the thick traditional store-bought eggnog you may like this milder version, but I probably wont make it again.

  • Turned out really well, I was happy to find a cooked recipe:) Thanks for sharing

  • I made a fraction of the recipe and thought it was very easy to prepare. I liked the idea of the egg cooked, and once the mixture started to thicken, it thickened very quickly ultimately giving the drink a nice consistency. This recipe wasnt very sweet, so if you like a sweeter eggnog expect to add additional sugar, but it was perfect for us.

  • I use this recipe all the time however I add a can of sweetened condensed milk to thicken it instead of sugar

  • This was very good, I did add a little extra vanilla and also used pumpkin pie spice. Delectable.

  • I like this recipe, I did use coconut milk due to lactose issues, and I used cinnamon b/c I ran out of nutmeg. I also tempered the eggs to avoid lumpy egg nog.

  • What I like,it has no alcohol and the eggs are cooked and not raw.

  • As written, the recipe was pretty boring tasting. I thought the texture was good. I should have known that the eggs needed to be tempered into the hot liquid instead of heated all together because that makes it taste eggy in my experience. I added a bunch of warm spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom),a splash of maple syrup and more vanilla.

  • Very simple to make. So glad its a cooked version. Very delicious. I added a half cup more sugar, used equal amounts of whole milk and half and half, added more nutmeg to taste and about 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon.

  • Though not super tasty, thats easy enough to fix, and certainly safer than uncooked when you want to give the kids some eggnog.

  • I really enjoyed this eggnog. I would suggest you cook the egg mixture for about 7 minutes instead of 5 minutes.

  • The flavor was just what I was hoping for, but you have to be careful to cook it too long, or you get really tiny chunks of cooked egg...other than that, i will try this recipe again until I get it right.

  • Very easy, and it tastes great. I make it for myself and family, we love it. Tastes better than store bought.

  • Thin and tasted like runny eggs horrible

  • I cut the recipe in half to fit it in the blender. My adjustments were to blend the eggs, sugar, and milk together, then cook it. My daughter and I cooked it too long, but we put it back in the blender. That took care of the scrambled eggs. :-) Chilled it, added an extra 1/4 c. of sugar, and blend again Top with Cool Whip and a sprinkle of cinnamon...Great

  • So frustrating The first time I made this recipe i ended up with a pot of scrambled eggs. The second time, I cooked for ten minutes, it still had not thickened and was starting to scramble again I will stick with the heavy cream method.

  • I made this recipe for the first time and I followed the instructions exactly and it had chunks of egg in it. I will not be trying this one again.

  • While it didnt taste like Hoods or Garelick, I liked it. Mine was very creamy, surprisingly. Very easy to make.

  • I love this recipe but i had to add a little more nutmeg. it tastes great. this recipe is a keeper. But this time im going to try adding heavy cream and see how it turns out.

  • Tastes great Some people talked about it being too thin. I would suggest cooking just a little longer. I noticed mine was quite runny after 5 minutes. I cooked a little longer and it thickened up quite fast at about 10 minutes. About the consistency of pudding. Everyones thickening time will vary. After adding the additional milk it thinned back out to the right consistency. I also substituted the sugar with a can of sweetened condensed milk (was nearing expiration). Enjoy

  • I think homemade eggnog tastes WAY better than store bought. I added a bit more vanilla and nutmeg than the recipe called for. This didnt take long to make and I loved the results

  • This is great recipe. Instead of using an additional 6 cups of milk though I used 3 and then next day added 2 cups of whipped cream which kept it thicker and creamier.

  • Weak flavor.

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